Apricot- summer beauty

The apricots are amazing food for rejuvenation.

The word that describes the apricots the best is warming. Apricots are warming food and an energy stabilizer. When you feel down, your reserves low, no energy to push yourself – turn to apricots – they are really life bringing-back food.

apricot-summer beauty

There are numbers and numbers of recipes where you can use apricots. Not only cakes and pies, but apricots are great to combine with meat, in sauces and casseroles too.

Apricots are incredibly high in minerals and rich in beta carotene and are one of the most healing fruits you can eat. Apricots are also wonderful for keeping the heart strong and healthy. They can improve the quality of your hair, skin, and nails.

Fresh apricots are the best. Be patient, do not eat them under ripe, the best are well ripened. But when fresh apricots aren’t available, you can use dry ones. Just make sure to buy sulfur-free dried apricots.

And of course there is very important role of our apricot-summer beauty –  it is very important emotional supporter to our soul. Here is what Anthony William said about emotional support regarding apricots  

Apricots help us bring heart to life. They open us up, making us more kindhearted and helping those of us who have trouble with trust to tone down any nervousness or skittishness. Apricots calm us when we feel threatened and regulate a defensive nature, putting us in touch with our intuition so that we know when to keep our guards up and when to drop our defenses. When we become frustrated in any type of situation, apricots are excellent soothers.”

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