Egg whites

What is the first thing you think of when mentioning egg whites – I guess meringues 🙂

But there are so many other ways you can use egg whites except for baking.

egg whites

One of the first things about egg whites I remember from my childhood is that my mum taught me that if I ever get burned to put it on the burn. At the time I had started to prepare simple things in the kitchen. Even these days when I have plenty of other medicines at home, I still consider egg whites as one of the best, fast-acting remedies. If followed with lavender essential oil, you can be sure that you did the best for your skin at the moment. And that is really something most of us have always in the fridge.

Another thing I have tried is using egg whites as a substitute for band-aids, but only for smaller wounds and scratches. If you cut your finger while cooking, go for real band-aids, or you wouldn’t be able to continue kitchen work.

Did you know that egg whites are perfectly healthy pet food? Egg whites will provide your pets considerable amounts of protein, vitamins and mineral. They also have antibacterial enzymes. Just make sure to heat-treat the whites before giving them to animals.

Use egg whites to make your houseplants shine. Simply mix the egg whites with lukewarm water and coat thick leaves with this mixture. This way, you will create a protective layer for the leaves.

Not necessarily related to food and cooking, here a few more ways to use egg whites:

  • For cleaning leather. Simply dip a piece of cotton wool in the egg whites and wipe your shoes or bags to make them shine again. Then wipe it off with a clean cloth.
  • Egg whites are very sticky and you can use them as a natural glue. Great replacement for a paper glue when you run out of it. Simply dip the brush into the egg whites and spread over the paper to be glued.

So let’s turn to nature when seeking for remedies.

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