Zucchini – the fruit

Yes, zucchinis are technically fruits.

Plus they come from Italy – and who doesn’t like Italian cuisine?

They come in different shapes, sizes and colours.  The biggest are NOT the best. The most flavourful zucchinis are small to medium sized. The darker the colour, the richer in nutrients.

Zucchini the fruit

Why should you eat zucchinis except for the fact that they are delicious 🙂  Zucchinis have more potassium than bananas do. Potassium helps regulate muscle and heart contractions.

Rich in many nutrient, contains a variety of minerals and vitamins, especially vitamin C and vitamin A (particularly cooked zucchini).

Other health benefits are various: it provides antioxidants, might stabilize blood sugar level, lower blood pressure and cholesterol, lower risk of age-related eye conditions, good for thyroid and prostate health.

And for the end something most ladies care about – zucchini are 95% water which makes them a super low-cal food. Rich in fiber- which promotes healthy digestion.

There are various different ways to consume zucchini, here are some ideas:

  • Raw with lemon juice as a salad
  • Make a soup
  • Grill them
  • Make a risotto
  • Put them in ratatouille
  • Stuff them with meat, rice, mushrooms….
  • Make a pasta sauce
  • Make pancakes, muffins and cakes
  • Grate them and make kebabs

If you are from the United States – do not forget August 8th, the National Zucchini Day.

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