Gnocchi leftovers

Gnocchi leftovers – boiled the day before. Well, it sometimes happens that I boil too much gnocchi. I then pan fry some of them on butter to get a golden colour. I keep the rest in the fridge until I find use for them. You can then add to your gnocchi whatever you have in the fridge ( fruits, vegetables, cheese…) and make a whole new meal. It’s even better if you have some gravy, but if not, the butter will do. 

gnocchi leftovers

Today I grilled some pineapple cubes on butter, seasoned them and added them to the gnocchi leftovers from the fridge. It turned up being really nice. I gave it to my son as a side dish to a burger and young peas.

For another quick and easy gnocchi recipe, click here 🙂

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